BOOK of Galations

Book of Galation's Sunday Morning's @ 10:00am

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Prayer Request

Our Beloved Jim Serrano was involved in an accident on his way to work about 4:45 am. His veh was totaled but he is just fine. He will be sore for a while so pray that all goes well for that and that there be no problems with the insurance company giving him his new Harley. J/K
(Tina would kill him) Oscar came upon the accident and while attempting to render aid to Jim his veh was struck by one of those fine Pacheco Pass (get out of my way) drivers. He is doing fine as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jim I am so glad your ok...Shelby was also in a car reck about 2 weeks ago and her car is just getting out of the shop. She is fine..Thank God...shook up a little..But fine.
