BOOK of Galations

Book of Galation's Sunday Morning's @ 10:00am

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Only The Beginning"

No I am not having one of my 70's flash backs and I am not singing that hit song from "Chicago" I am merely sharing with you some photos that I didn't even know were being taken.

what a joy it is to have more room so everyone can spread out ha ha! God has truly blessed us with an awesome opportunity to grow and were looking forward to it.

Linda doing what she is so often found doing at any Church. You would never know she used to lead over 100 workers in Children's Ministry prior to Los Banos. The kids love her and why wouldn't they?

Keep up those prayers Folks

In His Grip


Nina49a said...

Yay! this is so awesome. Nevaeh has been asking if we can have a church in our house too(:

John W said...

Praise God. I am praying that the Lord would continue to pour out His grace on the people in Los Banos. Take care Al.

Al said...

Ha Ha so glad Nevaeh wants to have a church in her house too! I can say this my Grand daughters LOVE to worship!

Big John Blessing to you all out in Sanger